
9 Time-Saving Benefits of CRM in Manufacturing

By February 8, 2018 No Comments
Benefits of CRM in Manufacturing

There are many CRM systems to choose from, but the right CRM systems can make sales processes more efficient and organized. By automating activities, analyzing data, aggregating trends, and conveniently placing information, the main benefits of CRM for the manufacturing industry are time- and cost-savings.

A properly organized CRM system will be constructed around your unique sales process, and make it easier for every salesperson and manager to reach leads, make decisions, and measure performance. When you make these CRM functions a part of your sales strategy, you can save hours each day. If you’re not sure where to start, digital automation experts can help you organize your system and get on the right track.

Save Time with the Benefits of CRM in Manufacturing

1. Contact Management

A contact management system is one of the best organizational benefits of CRM for the manufacturing industry. This feature keeps all of your contacts in one place and up-to-date. If you need any information about a contact–where they are in the sales pipeline, how to contact them, previous messages you’ve had–it will be attached to their contact card.

2. Sales Pipeline Management

Without a quality CRM system, it’s difficult to know where your leads are on the sales pipeline. Sales pipeline management systems keep you on track, showing which leads should be contacted, which need more information, which are ready to close, and which may buy again.

3. Sales Automation

Once you know what your leads are looking for, you can schedule and automate these activities. Many CRM systems allow you to customize sales automation modules to suit your particular approach. Or, if your lead needs a phone call or a custom email, you can reach them with a click of a button.

4. Record-Keeping

With the ability to save emails, catalogs, price lists, and even record and save phone calls or video conferences, you will know exactly what is said and sent. Organized properly, your CRM will show all the communications you or another salesperson had with a particular contact. If there’s confusion about a deal or contract, you can simply reference the communication in question.

5. Integration

Many CRM systems offer integration with marketing software, email automation, website analytics, social media management, and other helpful tools you may already use. By linking these tools together, you can get a better picture of what your leads are doing and a more holistic picture of how they interact with you.

6. Referral Tracking

Referral tracking allows you to see which business partnerships are strongest. You can see which of your colleagues continuously refer business to you and how many leads you refer to others. With this information you can strengthen the partnerships that are most beneficial, and not waste time with others.

7. Territory Management

Territory management lets members of the sales team stay in touch without stepping on each other’s toes. This feature not only allows territory managers to focus on their geographic area, but it will also show the performance of each territory, simultaneously fostering cooperation and healthy competition without the need for a sales meeting.

8. Forecasting

By analyzing metrics like customer behavior, seasonality, deal close rates, top leads, and other factors, you can make an accurate forecast of future sales. This can help to prevent over-ordering during slow periods or long production lead times during sales spikes.

9. Quick Quotes

With the right CRM for manufacturing, you won’t have to continuously remake the same quotes for each customer or with each re-order. With the option to save quotes, make quotes based on price lists, and reuse the most frequently used quotes, you can save hours of time adding, calculating and estimating, while making your quotes more consistent.

A CRM system will not only save you time, but also make your business more cohesive. Salespeople can use the system in the office or on the road, and many CRM systems have mobile functionality. If you already have a CRM but implementation hasn’t been successful, we can help you set up and use the right system. If you’d like to know more about setting up or optimizing CRM for manufacturing, contact us.

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